PACCT x Nightlife Clerks panel in Kantoor van de Nacht: Keeping it Real – Hip-Hop and Mental Health

Tijdens ADE hosten wij een panel in ons Kantoor van de Nacht in de A’DAM Toren:

For decades keeping it real is the adage to grant your track the authenticity it needs. Telling personal stories, making listeners part of your personal life. In this respect, lyrics could reflect the rapper’s soul and could thus be gateways to the personal wellbeing of the person behind the artist. In this special panel mental coach Esther van der Poel will talk with several rappers and hiphop professionals in response to their lyrics and personal feelings.

Mental coach: Esther van der Poel (PACCT)
Panelists: S10 (Wolf Bookings), DØS (Nocaprecords), Casper Knipscheer (Twist Agency), Freez (rapper), Daniël Busser (rapper)
Moderator: Bjorn Schipper (Schipper Legal)

Powered by PACCT and The Nightlife Clerks

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