Brokers can now insure parties and events through No Risk
Imagine you are an insurance broker and one of your regular clients organises a village fête. She asks you to insure it, but you have no experience in insuring events. You are not sure about things like non-appearance, cancellation due to possible bad weather, and insuring hired sound equipment. What now?
Normally, you would go to an insurance company and get event insurance. But it usually takes several days or even weeks for your application to be processed in such cases. Also, the insurance company does not specialise in insuring events, and so their terms and conditions are not exactly appropriate. And they cannot always answer detailed or event-specific questions, making it more difficult for you to help your client properly.
Fortunately, it is now possible for brokers to apply for event insurance through No Risk. No Risk is the event insurance specialist in the Netherlands, with extensive experience insuring all types of events at home and abroad - from major festivals such as Lowlands, Mysteryland and Pride Amsterdam, to fairs, concerts, weddings and village fêtes.
On our website, there is a handy application tool, with which you can quickly and easily calculate how much premium your client will pay to insure her village fête. You can also use it to take out the insurance. Unlike with insurance companies, you will then generally have the policy within a day. And because we specialise in event insurance, you can always come to us for help and advice on event insurance. Moreover, the insurance terms and conditions are favourable and specifically designed for events.
So if you are a broker and need event insurance for a client, apply for it on our website! By using the application tool on our website, you can help your clients get good event insurance quickly and confidently.
👉 Is a client organising a group trip, do you have clients who are getting married, or a client who is going to make a film production? Brokers can also apply for insurance on our website for incentive and group tours, weddings and film productions.