Comprehensive insurance for media & film productions
Producing media and film projects involves countless moving parts – busy sets, expensive equipment, and complex planning. No matter how well-prepared you are, things can still go wrong. A lead actor might break a leg, a lens could shatter, an editing mistake might be made, or you could even face a copyright infringement claim.
With the right insurance, there's no reason to worry.
We provide media production insurance, E&O insurance, and completion bonds for filmmakers. And for productions struggling with cash flow, we also offer cashflow loans.
+9.500 polissen vorig jaar
25 medewerkers
Actief in 7 landen
24/7 bereikbaar
Ruim 15 jaar ervaring
Coverage for all types of productions
We insure all types of media and film productions. Whether you’re working on a major feature film, a TV series, a documentary, or a commercial, we have an insurance solution tailored to your needs.

Insurance for media & film productions
We offer the following four products for media and film productions:
- Media production insurance
This policy protects against a wide range of risks throughout the entire filmmaking process – from pre-production to post-production. It covers issues like equipment damage, editing errors, and lead actors being unable to perform.
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- Completion bond
With a completion bond, a production company guarantees to financiers that a film will be completed. And if that ultimately turns out to be impossible, the financiers get their money back.
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- E&O-insurance
The content of a film can lead to legal claims – for example, allegations of copyright infringement or plagiarism. An E&O insurance policy protects producers against these risks.
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- Cashflow facility
Film productions often face cashflow shortages during production. To help with this, we collaborate with On Set Finance. They provide cash flow loans to film productions.
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About No Risk
No Risk is the leading insurance specialist for the media and film industry in the Netherlands. We insure a wide range of productions, from major Netflix series to documentaries, commercials, and music videos. We are the only company in the world that offers filmmakers a complete package of insurance and financial solutions tailored to their needs.
Also for film professionals
We also offer insurance for freelancers working in the film industry. Whether you’re an actor or you're working behind the scenes on productions, you’ll find affordable, tailored coverage that fits your profession.
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