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The festivalisation of the Netherlands and the rise of event insurance

Hannah Persbericht 3 min

It's well known that the Netherlands is the number 1 country for festivals. We are very good at organising parties here. The events industry in the Netherlands has exploded, particularly in the last 15 years - the number of festivals out there is huge, and event organisation has become extremely professional. What is less well known is that we in the Netherlands have also become very good at insuring events. And that is no coincidence.

Fifteen years ago, the event industry was already booming, but was still in poor shape when it came to insurance. There was little knowledge, there were no insurance policies specifically for events, and insurers thought events were too risky. It was still common to take out 'office cover' for a dance party for €100 only.

Since then, the Netherlands has rapidly become completely 'festivalised'. Before the COVID crisis threw a spanner in the works, as many as 1,100 events were organised every year. The range of festivals in every town and city is extremely extensive and varied, and every village has its own village festival. At an event 15 years ago, there were a few simple beer stalls. Now you have vegan burgers, Espresso Martinis and glamping. Facility-wise, everything is organised to perfection.

Professionalising events = professionalising insurance 

The insurance market has grown along with the audience. Indeed, firstly, as event organisers became increasingly professional, it became easier to insure events. Events today are very carefully prepared and tightly coordinated. Organisers work with comprehensive safety plans and solid suppliers. And that makes it less risky for insurers. Therefore, there are now good event insurance policies, with comprehensive, tailor-made coverage.

Plus, the events industry really needed specific insurance knowledge and products. It is an industry like no other, and there are many things that can go wrong. Large groups of people gather together, and you often have to deal with performers and speakers, and all kinds of suppliers. Not to mention the unpredictable Dutch weather. Insurance brokers Klap and No Risk therefore started to focus specifically on events 15 years ago, and finally merged in 2020, so that we now have all the expertise under one roof.

Event insurance applications can now be made super-fast and easy online

So we have come a long way since 15 years ago, when there was little knowledge and no insurance specifically for events. Especially now that we have taken a final big step: we have recently introduced an online application process for event insurance policies. You can also very easily and quickly calculate online how much premium you will pay for your event. As a result, applying for event insurance has become a lot faster and more efficient. You no longer have to email back and forth as much, and often you will have a policy within 24 hours.