Protect your production against legal claims with E&O insurance

As a filmmaker, you take great care to ensure that all materials used in your production are properly cleared. You need copyright licenses for music, and individuals appearing on screen must give their consent.

Yet, legal claims against film productions can still arise – often from unexpected sources. You could face allegations of copyright infringement, plagiarism, defamation, or invasion of privacy. An Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance policy protects producers from these risks.


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What is E&O insurance? 

NoRisk Element

An E&O (Errors & Omissions) insurance policy protects filmmakers when legal claims are made against them. If you’re accused of copyright infringement, defamation, privacy violations, or plagiarism, E&O insurance covers all legal costs associated with defending your case.


Do you need E&O insurance for your production?

Major streaming platforms almost always require film productions to have an E&O insurance policy. So if you’re producing a film, series, or documentary that will be distributed by a major streaming service, you will likely need E&O coverage.

Even if your production isn’t being released on a streaming platform, an E&O policy provides valuable security and peace of mind. It allows you to focus fully on your production, without worrying about potential legal claims.


Get in touch

Want to know more about our E&O insurance policy, or apply for one? Fill in the form below, and we’ll get back to you shortly.


Media production insurance

Every film production needs media production insurance. This policy protects against a wide range of risks, such as damage, editing errors, or lead actors being unable to perform.

Media production insurance  

Completion bond 

A completion bond guarantees financiers that a film will be completed. If that proves impossible, the bond ensures they are reimbursed for their investment.

Completion bond