FAQ – Event insurance
Clear answers to the questions we are most frequently asked about event insurance.
If your event has to be interrupted, postponed or cancelled, this cover ensures that you get back from the insurer all the costs incurred in organising your event. However, the event must be interrupted, postponed, or cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the insured party. No excess applies with this cover. Cancellation due to non-appearance and bad weather must be insured separately.
Organisational problems, insufficient interest, problems with the authorities' licence/permission and failure to fulfil contractual obligations.
Bad weather is not covered by default, but only if you take out the bad weather cover. Bad weather is included in the cover if:1. the weather conditions can be considered a natural disaster, or 2. the weather conditions have caused the premises in which the event is taking place to become unusable, or 3. the location of the event cannot be reached due to extreme weather conditions.
Non-appearance cover can be added to the cancellation cover. With this cover, you insure people who are so important that the event would not go ahead without them (such as major artists). If an event has to be cancelled because the insured person cannot attend due to illness, for example, the loss is covered. You must give advance notice of which persons you want to take out non-appearance cover for, and the insured persons must be healthy at the time the insurance is taken out.
Organising an outdoor event in the Netherlands is not without its risks.Weather conditions may be so bad that an event has to be interrupted, cancelled or postponed. You can choose to add this cover to the cancellation cover.
You must request extreme weather cover at least 14 days before the event starts.
Many events are organised on the assumption that a profit will be made. You can choose to insure the expected profit. If the event then has to be interrupted, cancelled or postponed, you will be paid the lost revenue.
You can insure the equipment used at your event against damage or theft. Both rented and owned equipment is covered. You are insured if equipment is damaged or stolen at the event venue, or during transport to and from the venue. You are not insured if the damage results from normal wear and tear. Theft is covered only if it involves violence, or there is a break-in.
You must apply for equipment cover at least 14 days before the event starts.
That depends on what the equipment owner and the renting party have agreed upon. We recommend renting including insurance, letting the owner insure their own gear. This may be slightly more expensive, but it saves a lot of administrative hassle in the event of any damage.
- Cancellation
- Adverse weather
- Non-appearance
- Equipment
- Liability
- Personal accidents
- Cash money
- Loss of revenues
Read here what exactly the various types of cover entail.
If an accident occurs during an event that causes someone to die, become disabled or require medical treatment, accident cover ensures that the costs for this are reimbursed.
You can choose which persons or groups of persons you insure:
- the organisation (employees, volunteers, people you have hired);
- participants (artists, speakers, etc.);
- other people (you can inform us of the people you want to include in the cover).
As an event organiser, you can be held liable for personal injury and damage to people's property. With this cover, you protect your organisation against the financial consequences of this type of claim.
If liability cover is included in the insurance, and damage is caused to the venue during the event, this will be covered. So for example, if a visitor damages the rented venue.
In the case of damage, please email schade@norisk.eu and provide the following information:
- What happened, what was damaged, when, who did it, etc.? (Please attach photos if you have them.)
- Any invoices of rent if it involves damage to a rented property.
- Any repair invoices.
Damage caused by motor vehicles is not covered but must be reported to the third-party insurer of that vehicle.
Read more here about reporting damage and how claims are handled.
If part of your event cannot go ahead but part of it can, you can assume you will receive a pro rata payment. Depending on which part or days of an event are cancelled, we determine what percentage of the damage will be reimbursed. Therefore, this is always a pro rata reimbursement and never the entire sum insured. Check out the conditions if you want to know exactly how this works.