Media production insurance coverage 

Media production insurance consists of several coverages: 

  • Film material
    This cover protects against damage, defects, or loss of film material. This includes negatives, videotapes, audio tapes, and digital devices used to record and store images and audio material. 
  • Non-appearance cast/crew
    If key individuals – such as lead actors or the director – fall ill or are unable to work for any reason, additional costs may arise. For example, certain scenes might need to be postponed until they return. This coverage reimburses those extra costs.
    Please note: You must specify which individuals you want covered before filming begins.
  • Extra expense 
    If a production is canceled, delayed, or interrupted, this coverage reimburses the costs already incurred and any further costs.

  • Production material
    If equipment or property used during production is lost or damaged, the insurer covers its value. This includes cameras, lenses, audio equipment, props, sets, decor, and costumes.
  • Third-party property
    If you use third-party equipment or property during production and it gets damaged, lost, or destroyed, this coverage reimburses the cost, including any legal expenses related to the incident.
  • Cash money
    If cash is stolen or lost during production, the insurer will reimburse the amount.
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Media production insurance

A media production insurance policy protects you from a wide range of risks throughout the filmmaking process – from pre-production to post-production. It covers issues such as equipment damage, editing errors, or an actor unexpectedly dropping out. With the right coverage, you can focus on your production, knowing you’re financially protected.

Get insured today and start your next film project with peace of mind!

Apply for media production insurance

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