New rules for the use of drones 

New rules for flying drones have been in place since 1 January 2024. The government website states clearly what the new rules are, and includes a Q&A. Question 3 of this Q&A is about insuring drones: 

"Is a company or pilot required to have insurance?
We strongly recommend that you take out insurance for physical injury or property damage to third parties due to accidents involving drones. So check whether your personal liability insurance covers damage caused by drones. Insurance is mandatory for professional and private operators for drones weighing 20 kilograms or more, based on EU regulations. You can then add your insurance when applying for an operator number at RDW. That can be done online through the RDW website." 

Furthermore, on the RDW website, there is a clear video explaining things in more detail.

Drone insurance

In some cases, there is no insurance requirement. But is it wise to fly uninsured? We think not, and therefore recommend taking out special drone insurance (aircraft liability insurance). This is because, by default, business liability insurance does not cover damage with or caused by aircraft. And besides, drone insurance meets legal requirements, and you can be sure that a specialised insurer will handle the claim. 

In the case of commercial drone use, we recommend using a registered professional with a pilot's licence and specific (aviation) insurance (Aviation Liability Insurance).


Cover for drones within our equipment insurance 

Our equipment insurance also includes cover for the use of drones. But this is limited 'casco' cover. In other words, flying with the drone is not insured. The insurance does cover, for example, water damage and theft.

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