Protect your production with media production insurance

When it comes to creating a media or film production, there are many moving parts: bustling sets, expensive equipment, and extensive planning. No matter how well-prepared you are, things can still go wrong. For instance, what if a lead actor breaks a leg and can't film, or if a lens shatters, or if there's a mistake in the editing.

With comprehensive media production insurance, you won't have to worry about these scenarios. Your insurer will cover the damages, providing you with peace of mind.​​​​​


+9,500 policies last year


25 staff


Active in 7 countries


Available 24/7


15 years experience

Media production insurance 

NoRisk Element

Media production insurance protects you against a variety of mishaps that can occur throughout the filmmaking process – spanning from pre-production to post-production. Think equipment or property damage, editing errors, or an unexpected actor dropout. With reliable media production insurance, you won't have to worry about such situations, as the insurer will cover the costs.

Apply for media production insurance here, so you can start your next film project stress-free!

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For large film productions

Are you making a feature film, a major Netflix series, or a large television production? We have extensive experience insuring big media and film productions. We understand the risks involved and can help you find insurance that perfectly suits your project.


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… and for smaller ones

Even if you're working on a smaller media or film project, it's still wise to get media production insurance. For a reasonable premium, you'll be protected against the risks you may face. Whether you're creating a corporate video, commercial, music video, or planning a photo shoot, you can easily calculate your premium or purchase insurance online right away.

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Why choose No Risk? 

We know the media and film industry very well and have extensive experience insuring all types of film productions – from movies and series to TV shows, documentaries, and music videos. On our website, you can easily and quickly calculate premiums, request quotes, and purchase insurance. You will usually receive your policy within a day!

Our insurance policies are specifically tailored to the film industry and come with the best terms.

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